Picture: Instructing students in an urban research methods class, 2024
Teaching Experience
Virginia Tech - Adjunct Instructor
UAP 5494: Advanced Quantitative Techniques for Urban Research (3-credit graduate class, hybrid class instruction) - Fall 2024
Advanced quantitative techniques used in urban analysis. Application of the methods to situations encountered in urban planning, urban policy analysis, and urban management are stressed. (Syllabus)
Re-designed class syllabus including readings/resources and assignments
Taught class of 9 students (mix of Northern Virginia and Blacksburg students and a mix of master's and PhD students)
Developed all lectures and led weekly 3-hour lecture
Taught students how to use R and RStudio
The Pennsylvania State University - Graduate Teaching Assistant
CE 421W: Transportation Design (3-credit undergraduate class, in-person class instruction) - Spring 2015, Spring 2016
Design of streets and highway facilities; emphasis on geometric elements, intersections and interchanges, roadway drainage, and pavement design.
Led weekly 2-hour lab; held office hours; and, graded all homework assignments.
CE 423: Traffic Operations (3-credit undergraduate class, in-person class instruction) - Fall 2014, Fall 2015
The highway capacity manual, concepts and analyses, freeway operations, signalized and unsignalized intersections, signal coordination, traffic impact studies.
Led weekly 1-hour lab; held office hours; graded all homework assignments; and, assisted with development of course materials including student guides for Synchro and HCS
Guest Lectures
2023 Careers in Planning Guest Speaker. Virginia Tech, UAP 5014 Gateway to Planning (Graduate Class) (Instructors: Maggie Cowell, Diane Zahm), October 2.
2022 Careers in Planning Guest Speaker. Virginia Tech, UAP 5014 Gateway to Planning (Graduate) (Instructors: Maggie Cowell, Diane Zahm), October 10.
2021 Transportation Policy 101. Iowa State University, CEE 355 Principles of Transportation Engineering (Undergraduate) (Instructor: Jonathan Wood), April 20.
Other Educational Materials
Harmony, Xavier and Matthew Dull. 2022. Revising Policy Design for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Virginia Tech Instructional Innovation Challenge Exhibition, March 14-18.